Saturday, November 26, 2011


In the 60s and 70s, boys grow up playing with tops, marbles, football, kites, yoyo,...

Then came the 80s, the TV revolution. Do you still remember the 80s when you are still a small kid and your daddy would buy you the figure toy characters from your favourite movies like ThunderCats, Ninja Turtle, Star Wars, ET or get them as gifts from the KFC or MacDonald's.

Those toys were really special as they give you countless happy hours of fantasy into the world of those characters. You would make your own story board and move those characters according to your make up the story line alone in your room or with friends.

Time really flies. By the 90s, these action figures were challenged by new toys.. digital toys like Tamaguchi, Nintendo, Sega, Sony Playstation. Although threatened, these figure toys did not disappear. They came back stronger looking more life like, more mobility, more features and also electronic with characters from Batman, Superman, Spiderman, .... They can move. They can talk. They can sing. They shine, blink and glows....

Sure hope they will be around forever to entertain our future generations because with figure toys, you can hold them in your hands and feel them. You can bring them anywhere, share them with friends and also create stories & memories around them.

Not forgeting, for the girls, they have their fair share too with the Barbie dolls, Disney Characters, Little Pony, Hello Kitty, ......

Now you can also keep them as collector's item.

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